Grant Creek is 18.3 miles long and flows from the Rattlesnake Wilderness down through the western outskirts of Missoula to join the Clark Fork River at GPS coordinates: 46.87, -114.10.
MT DEQ gives the area of the Grant Creek Watershed as 19,719 acres (30.8 sq.mi.); USFS gives the area as 18,738 acres (29.3 sq.mi).
The headwaters of Grant Creek reach an elevation of nearly 9,000 feet, while the elevation at its confluence with the Clark Fork River is about 3,200 feet.
Annual average precipitation at the closest weather station, Missoula airport, is 13.61”.
Grant Creek is identified as a "Waterbody of Concern" by MT DEQ, FWP, Trout Unlimited and Missoula City/County.
The segment identified as impaired by MT DEQ stretches 14.54 miles from the boundary of the Rattlesnake Wilderness to the mouth.
Both pollutant and non-pollutant impairments are present in Grant Creek. Pollutant causes listed by MT DEQ are nitrate/nitrite, total nitrogen, sediment and temperature. Non-pollutant causes include alteration in streamside or littoral vegetative covers, i.e. riparian vegetation removal, flow regime modification, and excess algae (linked to nutrient pollution).
MT FWP and USFS identified these additional problems: fish passage barriers, water withdrawal, stream and riparian encroachment by roads and poor in-stream pool habitat.
Central Clark Fork Water Restoration Plan, MT FWP, MT DEQ, Western Regional Climate Center
Draft Central Clark Fork - Water Restoration Plan
Creating a Central Clark Fork WRP – Clark Fork Coalition